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WAC is Scotland’s first care experienced theatre ensemble for young adults

A supportive and empowering space for 18-26 year olds with lived experience of care to explore and learn about all aspects of theatre-making. Over the years, the Ensemble has grown as a group of friends and collaborators, creating a range of theatre productions, short films and radio plays, winning praise and awards for their achievements.


Practical information

After five years of creating work together, the latest WAC project is focusing on the continuous professional development of current members, and will be showcasing their talents in June 2024.

We are also currently planning what our future offers will be for care-experienced young people across the city once we are settled into our new building.

The group is coordinated by Jack Tully, who works with WAC members to support their creative engagement.


A large group of people are sitting around a table. They are listening to somebody presenting information from a laptop.

For those who have been part of the WAC programme and want to continue training and working in the cultural sector, WAC Pro was created. Developed in partnership with the Citizens Theatre, GMAC Film, and Arts in the City, WAC Pro provides participants with training and development opportunities. It’s a way for young artists to build their skills and establish themselves in the cultural sector. 

WAC Pro will culminate in a final sharing event in June 2024 where participants will share five original short films and theatre pieces. 

Taking part in WAC Pro:

Headshot of Genna Allan.

Genna Allan

Headshot of Hunter Christian Jessen.

Hunter Christian Jessen

Headshot of Shannon Lynch.

Shannon Lynch

Three young people sit around a table. two have one hand raised in the air. The person in the middle has both arms raised and is smiling.

Wac Ensemble

Headshot of Ross MacGregor.

Ross MacGregor

Headshot of Kieran McKenzie.

Kieran McKenzie

Headshot of Caitlin Ruby Muir.

Caitlin Ruby Muir

Headshot of Allan Othieno.

Allan Othieno

Two young people sit around a table. They are smiling.

Wac Ensemble

Headshot of Natalie Rochacelli.

Natalie Rochacelli

Headshot of Louise Scott.

Louise Scott

Headhsot of Chloe Wyper.

Chloe Wyper

How to get involved

If you would like to know more about the WAC Ensemble, get in touch with Jack Tully (Community Drama Worker).

We define care experience as having been cared for as a child or young person in kinship care (by friends or family), foster care, residential care or secure care for any period of time (e.g. it might have been a few months or a number of years).

Watch WAC Ensemble’s recent work

Found won the ‘Marginalised UK – Women and Girls’ and ‘Best Actor’ categories at the Big Syn Film Fest 2022 – the world’s biggest, not-for-profit, online film festival, inspiring viewers to act on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Inspired by their shared love of scary films, the company decided to create their own horror story for radio. Working with playwright Martin Travers, the Ensemble created their own characters, and then devised scenes involving the different characters.

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This project is currently supported by National Lottery through Creative Scotland in partnership with Arts In The City. The project was originally developed in close partnership with CELSIS (the Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland) with support from Life Changes Trust.